The Best Hotels of 2020
Discover the world's top-rated hotels in 2020. Not sure which hotel to stay at on your next trip? The next time you visit a hotel's website, check https://www.kayak.cat/badges/hotels to see if it has earned KAYAK's coveted Best Hotels badge. Here are the year's best hotels according to reviews from real travelers.
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Vilnius Home Bed And Breakfast
Vílnius, Lituània"The room was not big but was perfect for my one night stay."

Bernardinu B&B House
Vílnius, Lituània""Excellent location, super friendly staff.""
Prie Mariu
Nida, Lituània"Charming hostess / room balcony with superb View over lagoon."
Homelike House
Vílnius, Lituània"We get a lot of good news and tips in Vilnius and Lithuania."
About KAYAK's Best Hotels
KAYAK's hotel ratings process was introduced to provide hotel customers who use KAYAK with a platform to share their experience staying at different properties. A property must have a minimum Overall Rating of 8.0 and a minimum of 25 reviews published within the last year to qualify for consideration for KAYAK's Best Hotels. The current list of Best Hotels is based on ratings from travelers in 2019.
More on the methodologyRepresent a hotel? Claim your badge here
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